Trying something new is hard. Learning something new in a completely new way is even harder.

Many people come to us to learn more about Internet marketing, from SEO to social media. For some, the idea of learning via our online Internet marketing course seems daunting. We do teach the JB Media Institute in-person in Asheville but with students from all over the country and even locals with busy schedules, online access is simply a better option for many people.

owl-947734_640Even if you haven’t yet tried online learning (or you tried and it didn’t go as well as you’d like), you can learn, engage and grow your business learning via the web. To help you on your journey, we’ve put together a list of tips for being successful in online learning. So sit back, relax, and gather some knowledge from the comfort of your own bed/desk/coffee shop!

1. Be Clear on What You Need

Online learning comes in a number of formats from tutorials, an overview of a topic or a combination that includes practice assignments. Starting with what you want to learn (i.e. a deep dive into a topic or how to use a tool) and how you learn best is key to making sure you will get what you need from your learning experience.

2. Do Your Research

Once you know what you need, you can evaluate your options. This is where the fun begins! There are lots of online courses out there to choose from. Many universities offer online versions of their classes, or you may find just what you need in the course database of an online learning site like, and

3. Make a Schedule and Stick to It

It’s easy to let online learning go by the wayside when you don’t have a professor breathing down your neck! Some courses have specific start dates and others are “learn on demand”, meaning you can begin your training at any time. Make sure those courses with specific start dates work well with your schedule! Hold yourself accountable for the time it will take to complete the learning materials and assignments. Before your course starts, be sure to gather information from your chosen platform about hourly learning expectations each week, and block off that time to dedicate your full attention to your studies.

4. Get Comfortable!

Whether you’re learning from your office desk, a table at a coffee shop or the couch at your home, settle in and prepare to zone in on your online course. If you’re in an area where you’re likely to be surrounded by noise, be sure to use headphones to cancel out the chatter around you.

5. Ask Questions

Most online learning platforms offer places to interact with the instructors or moderators of the course. Take advantage of the forums, discussion boards or comment sections that are offered within the online training program to make sure your personal questions get answered. You’d be surprised how much feedback instructors are willing to share specific to your industry or even your own business.

6. Take Advantage of All Multimedia

The multimedia offered within online classes can range from recorded narrated presentations, to live-streaming demonstrations and conference calls. Be sure to check out all these resources and use them to your advantage. Take notes and rewatch any videos that may have been confusing upon first listen. With the JB Media Institute, we allow an additional 6 weeks of access to our course materials (including narrated presentations, recorded How To videos and weekly live calls) for this very purpose.

7. Do Your Homework!

Not all digital learning programs provide assignments for their learners, but some like our online JB Media Institute do. While these assignments are not always required (ours aren’t), putting what you’ve learned into practice helps you develop the skills you’ll need to implement a successful online marketing strategy long after the course ends.

8. Connect Outside the Classroom

If there’s a chance to participate in office hours or any sort of in-person collaboration, take it! Meeting face-to-face with your fellow classmates or instructors may help you feel more connected to the program as a whole. You may also find that other learners have similar trials and tribulations and can offer support and friendship.

9. Get Certified

You’ve made the decision to dedicate hours and hours of time to complete your online learning. Why not get credit for it? Some certifications are received purely by paying extra while others (like our Institute) require a final project to gain certificates of completion. Have something to show for your hard work!

Whether you choose to complete your online learning with us or with another program, we hope you’ll find these tips helpful.

Try Our Online Internet Marketing Course for Free

Feel free to test out aspects of the online JB Media Institute by registering for our free preview option. To do so, visit our online classroom and select “purchase” for the Free Preview course listed. Follow the registration steps and be sure to select the *freepreview code when creating your username and password. Here you’ll gain access to video profiles of our instructors, sample presentations and how-to videos as well as recorded live calls. Like what you see? Contact us for more info about our online (and in-person) Institutes. See upcoming dates.