Above: Lead Instructor Sarah Benoit leads a discussion about the JB Media Institute.

Our JB Media Institute team is gearing up for our next two Institute sessions – one in-person here in Asheville and one online. Both sessions begin on Tuesday, September 15, and last six weeks. Since its launch in 2013, we’ve seen over 100 students graduate from our Asheville-based Institute and 19 students have completed our online version, which launched in May of this year.

While the fundamentals of the JB Media Institute have always included best practices for online marketing tactics in the fields of social media, online public relations, online advertising and search engine optimization, we often find ourselves adjusting the curriculum of each session to make sure we’re providing the most current information. Our instructors are leading experts in their respective marketing fields and are constantly keeping an eye on the latest Internet marketing changes.

Case in point: Google’s mobile algorithm (does the word “Mobilegeddon” ring a bell?) changed since we led our Winter Institute in January and February of this year. In response to these changes, Lead Instructor Sarah Benoit has edited her “Impact of Mobile” class (taught in week 5 of the Institute) accordingly. Not up to speed on these changes? You can read more about the  April Mobile Update from Institute instructor and Director of SEO, Leah Quintal.

We also take feedback from our students into account as we revise for format and content of our Internet marketing classes. New to the JB Media Institute for the fall 2015, is a conversation surrounding branding and establishing core values by author, business consultant and Institute alum, Glenn Geffcken, as well as a class on conversion tracking by JB Media Founder and Director of Strategy, Justin Belleme. We will again offer two classes – added to our Spring Institute sessions – to cover two important elements of online marketing: the update of Google Webmaster Tools to the “Google Search Console”, with resources provided by Director of Strategy Leah Quintal, and an in-depth conversation on Storytelling, featuring guest panelists and a few in-house JB Media experts.

Ready to be a part of our learning community or want to learn more about our in-person and online marketing classes? Contact us for more information!