Work in an industry that changes fast, at a company where one of the founder’s core values is continuous improvement—personally and professionally—and you’ve got a recipe for a workplace committed to learning. We are often asked how we stay up-to-date on the changes and developments in Internet marketing from social media to SEO and all points in between. At JB Media Group, it’s an on-going process that requires dedication, collaboration, and curiosity.
Staying current on all the elements of Internet marketing would be a full-time job for a single person (who didn’t have much of a life), but with a team of people who each bring a specific lens to their view of the industry, a whole lot of learning can happen quickly. Here are some of the ways we collaborate to stay current:
Sharing is Caring
We routinely share articles and blog posts about trends, tools, and tips in Internet marketing. Moz, Search Engine Journal, Social Media Today, and SEO Watch are common sources. We catalog them in a shared Google Doc tagged by topic (content marketing, social media, linking practices, etc.), and note the date and the team member who found it.
Talking the Walk
Beyond the rounds of “This is interesting.” “Anyone heard of this?” And, “Hey, we implemented this strategy last week!” emails, we also talk shop—a lot. Sometimes it’s casual conversations across our open office from our preferred biking, standing or seated desk, other times it’s an impromptu meeting about the impact of an industry shift for a particular client project. We connect the dots, debate points, and brainstorm ideas.
Presenting to our Peers
To set aside more formal time for learning and help keep all of our departments updated on topics across the Internet marketing spectrum, we have instituted bi-monthly team training sessions. Typically, one team member shares a recent project—what went well, what the challenges were, what we learned, and what we’ll need to consider for similar future projects. This really helps every department stay up to date on current strategies, best practices, and creative solutions to challenges across the company. It’s also a great way to celebrate the incredible work our colleagues are doing (we’re pretty big on cheering each other on around here).
Gathering Around the Screen
We also participate in webinars as a group and discuss them afterward. In the future, we expect to add podcasts to the mix, and have talked about dedicated discussions on those articles and blog posts we share.
By learning together in all of these ways, we are able to continuously evolve our services. It’s no secret that the individual elements of Internet marketing are becoming more and more interwoven, and that success requires an integrated strategy. Expanding everyone’s knowledge base helps us make broader connections, serve our clients better, and is a heck of a lot more fun (we’re pretty big on that around here too) than going it alone.
The fact that we teach Internet marketing classes probably doesn’t hurt. We have to keep our students updated on the current best practices we are delivering to our clients so for us it’s not just a matter of knowing this stuff, we also have to be able to explain it to people who don’t spend their free time gazing lovingly at Google Analytics (everyone has their own definition of fun!).
When you love what you do, staying up to date and sharing what you know never gets old.