How do your customers know what to buy?
Today, a consumer’s decision-making process involves many steps. Ten years ago, we may have asked a friend or a sales associate for their opinion before buying, say, a television. Now we look to groups of people across the Internet (from anonymous strangers to experts to celebrities) and read many opinions: on the best brand, the best technology, and the best deal before making a purchase.
Before committing to a product we want to do enough research to feel that we’ve made an informed decision. Social media sites, search engines, and online influencers all play a role in our research process. A content marketing strategy designed to reach today’s consumers must make the best use of all available channels.
How can a business influence consumers to buy their product in today’s crowded Internet marketplace? How can a brand have any control over the information and opinions found online about their products? What are the benefits of a coordinated multi-channel content marketing strategy? And who can help?
Advice from Justin Belleme in Capital at Play
Our Founder and and Director of Strategy Justin Belleme addresses these very questions in his most recent Capital at Play article “Content Marketing: The Intersection of SEO, PR and Social Media.”
“It is not nearly as important how a content marketing strategy is staffed and managed but that it is created and implemented. Consumers are increasingly Internet savvy, information driven, and social. This combination makes content marketing a must for businesses who wish to position themselves to influence consumer behavior. A coordinated and strategic content marketing strategy can do just that.”
Diving into content marketing for the first time can feel a bit like setting sail in uncharted waters. Whether you’re an ecommerce company, a social enterprise startup, a service provider looking to grow brand awareness outside your local market, or any other type of business, our team can help you safely navigate the Internet marketing ecosystem and find best route for your business. Contact us for directions!