The reasons why one website shows up on the first page of Google search results while another appears on page ten may seem like one of the great mysteries of life, yet there IS a method behind the madness. Read our recent article in Capital at Play magazine, Google: Love It or Hate it, You’ve Got to Know it to learn some basics about how search engines work and how businesses can leverage search results to reach more potential customers.
“At the end of the day, search engine optimization is a data driven process that can be explained, understood, and approached by those with less than a doctorate in advanced mathematics. Google is likely to remain the number one search engine in the world (and they own #2 YouTube, but that’s a topic for another day). What matters to Google has to matter to businesses who want to be found online.”
Of course, one article can’t possibly answer all of your questions about search engine marketing. Search engines are complex and continuously evolving to try to create a better search experience for their users. They also aren’t exactly transparent about what they evaluate to prevent people from gaming the system. Google gives us hints about the variables their algorithms rely on to determine rankings—but it is only through ongoing research and experimentation that it’s possible to stay on top of the tactics that earn websites higher rankings (and traffic). For a more in depth understanding of SEO, join us for the Internet marketing classes we offer through the JB Media Institute.
Find more of our articles on Internet marketing in Capital at Play magazine.