It’s no secret that we’re big on learning at JB Media. Not only do we teach what we do, but we also strive to provide a company culture of learning (after all, one of our key core values is evolution!) From early in our history as a company, we have had interns in our midst. We’ve had high school students, undergraduates and even graduate students join our team for a brief time and learn from us. Mandy Gardner, Director of Content Creation, started out at JB Media as an intern.
For past four months, Jordan Justice has interned with us. In just a few days she’ll be walking across the stage at Western Carolina University and off to new adventures in Charlotte, NC. As part of her experience with us she attended the JB Media Institute, our Internet marketing training program, helped plan and execute a half day bootcamp, wrote press releases about the Institute, did hashtag research for clients, transcribed a LOT of interviews between our team and subject matter experts for ghost blogging projects, helped organize our storage closet (She’s incredibly organized and offered to help me, I wasn’t going to say no!), helped organize stock photos into folders so we can find what we need quickly, tracked our own media mentions and finally, wrote a reflection on her experience. Four months with a busy Internet marketing agency with a year-round training program is a lot to distill down but like everything else, Jordan did it eloquently, efficiently and with heart. She has been a great member of our team (and we do consider interns part of our team). She will be missed and we know she will go on to the next leg of her professional journey and do great things. Congratulations, Jordan and THANK YOU!
Internship Reflections, Jordan Justice
Though my time at JB Media Group has been short I have been blessed with more knowledge and experiences than I could have ever asked for. Beginning my journey here I only had a small window to see out into the professional world and honestly, I was a little bit overwhelmed. I didn’t know what exactly to expect on my first day here but I was very excited to get started. Unfortunately, my only knowledge of office life before entering this one primarily came from television shows on Netflix about horrible bosses and making interns run for coffee but I’m happy to say that was not my experience at all.
My involvement with JB Media has been one of the best things to happen to me both personally and professionally. From the start I was granted the opportunity to attend the JB Media Institute Winter 2016 session to jump-start my training and help me to gather a further understanding of topics that would be useful to me once I make my way into my career. From search engine optimization to blog writing to tracking and managing social media, I gained a priceless vault of knowledge to pull from. I am now moving forward confidently knowing that I not only have the skills necessary to understand each key piece of a successful Internet marketing campaign but also have the ability to explain to my future clients how each piece works together to create the best strategy possible.
On top of my trainings from the Institute I was allowed to sit in on meetings to see how the team interacts together. I was also able to participate in marketing research efforts by gathering and organizing information for members of the JB Media Group team and I was allowed to play a role in helping plan and execute the 2016 Spring Marketing Bootcamp held on March 29th of this year. All of these opportunities have played an integral part in my growth as a young professional and have inspired me to continue my efforts of expanding my knowledge of the Internet marketing field.
Beyond all of the professional skills that everyone at JB Media Group has helped me to acquire I am honored to have been able to work with such kind and welcoming individuals. The experiences that I have gained here are invaluable and I feel that I am more prepared than ever to move into my career. To Justin, Adrianne and the rest of the team here at JB Media Group: I can’t thank each and every one of you enough for the opportunity I was given to be a part of your office.
If you’re interested in joining our merry band of strategists and writers for an internship, contact us with your availability (dates as well as hours per week) and what you are most interested in learning more about in the world of Internet marketing.