An independent traditional marketing pro, an endurance athlete, and a business coach walk into a classroom. Think this is the beginning of a good joke? Think again. These three individuals represent a handful of students who just completed a fast-paced six weeks of Internet marketing training with the JB Media Institute.
Summer Institute Students Listen in on Our New Storytelling Panel
While it may be true that attendees of our most recent Institute have businesses in different industries, many of their learning goals for the Institute were quite similar. From their entrance surveys, we learned that all of our students wanted the knowledge and skills needed to create a cohesive content marketing strategy, or, as one participant simply responded, “Everything. To learn everything.” It’s a good thing we cover social media, SEO, online advertising, online PR and strategy/project management! More specific goals included learning more about email marketing and marketing automation (both covered in week four), how to write a press release (covered in week three), and simply how to stay on top of current online marketing trends (covered throughout the course).
We often get asked the question, “How can business owners and marketing professionals stay current on new developments in Internet marketing?” Well, it’s no small feat. We spend a great deal of time ensuring we are engaged in continuous learning about our field. To support the ongoing learning needs of the business and marketing community, we will be sharing the latest Internet marketing updates via a half-day event right here in Asheville, NC.
Half Day Internet Marketing Bootcamp
Wednesday, July 29 1:00 – 4:30 p.m., Renaissance Asheville Hotel
Last year, business owners and marketing professionals in Charlotte loved this half-day training, where they got the latest information on Internet marketing. We’ve revised it for our hometown crowd and welcome business owners, marketing professionals, those in a career transitions, and even students to join us for three informative and interactive sessions in online marketing.
JB Media Group department directors Sarah Benoit, Justin Belleme and Mandy Gardner will each share current trends and best practices for Internet marketing, SEO, and content marketing via storytelling during three separate, hour-long sessions taught in the style of our 6-week Institute.
Visit our event page to learn more about these Internet marketing training classes and to reserve your ticket.
As our most recent Institute graduates spread their Internet marketing wings, we wish them success in the implementation of the marketing plans they’ve crafted during their six weeks in the course. We thank them for their thought-provoking questions and their dedication to learning the ins and outs of Internet marketing. We look forward to welcoming another group of business owners and marketing professionals for the September sessions here in Asheville and online.