JB Media Institute Instructor Profiles

While most students and teachers are enjoying a break from school, at JB Media, class is definitely in session. Both our in-person JB Media Institute and our online program are currently under way. We’ll have another online group starting in early July.

Our instructors are Internet marketing superheroes (and yes, we do give them capes). By morning, they work tirelessly for our clients within the JB Media agency. By afternoon, they are instructors for the JB Media Institute, presenting on their areas of expertise to students in our online classroom and at our Asheville-based Institute. Because of their dedication, we thought we’d take a moment to share a little more about the JB Media Institute’s resident faculty members, including why they are so passionate about continuous Internet marketing education.


headshot-sarahSarah Benoit

Director of Training and Lead Instructor for the JB Media Institute

Teaching: Social Media, Storytelling, Introduction to SEO, Mobile Technology, Strategy & Project Management

Favorite class: My favorite class to teach at the institute is probably the Mobile Technology class. The reason I love this class is because I get to research and play with the latest mobile technologies and spend time talking about what I consider to be the cutting edge right now. Mobile technology is evolving very quickly and every month there are new breakthroughs. Mobile technology is also changing the way people live around the world, so it is a global topic. Mobile technology development is also changing every aspect of online marketing, including SEO, social media, online PR, and advertising, so understanding the direction of this technology helps give business owners and professionals a glimpse of the future. I find this very exciting to discuss and share.

What inspired her to work in the Internet marketing field? I was inspired to work in Internet marketing because of two different things: my love of communications and my love of the Internet. I have always enjoyed sharing ideas, thoughts and inspirations with other people, long before the Internet was accessible to everyone. Now it’s like there’s an entire library at our fingertips! This industry really unifies my love of the Internet and all the access it provides with my love of communication and people.

Justin-BellemeJustin Belleme

Founder and Director of Strategy

Teaching: Online Advertising, Website Monetization, Marketing Automation

Favorite class: Website Monetization. I have always been interested in the power of the Internet as a tool for people to come up with creative ways to make money. Over the years, I have enjoyed studying various online business models and experimenting with some myself on my own websites and for clients. In the website monetization class, I enjoy exploring the main online business models and discussing how they range in style, with ecommerce and online publishing being very similar to traditional retail and publishing models, while other models, such as YouTube publishing, offer totally new business models that are unlike anything that has come before.

His #1 tip for achieving success in Internet marketing? Develop flexible and professional communication skills. All of the tools we’re using right now (for the most part) are 10 years old or newer, and in 10 years from now, there will be new tools – that haven’t even been invented yet – for digital and online marketing. But what’s consistent across all of these tools is that professional, authentic communication creates authority, awareness and customer loyalty. You must understand how to communicate well, how to be adaptive in your communication, how to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and how to delegate communication.

Leah2Leah Quintal

Director of SEO and Content Strategy

Teaching: Search Engine Optimization (Keyword Research, Linking & Reporting)

Favorite class: Keyword research is a fundamental step to any digital marketing effort, but the research process itself can be pretty overwhelming for most people – especially if the purpose is not clear (I even wrote a blog imploring people to stop not doing keyword research). I most enjoy sharing how keyword research plugs into marketing strategies, removing keyword research fear, and empowering students to dive in confidently.

Her advice for learners who are about to begin the JB Media Institute? Before beginning the JB Media Institute, I highly recommend spending some time thinking about what your specific challenges are in marketing and identifying what success would look like. That way, as you’re going through the course and you’re experiencing so many new things to think about, you can directly apply it to a specific challenge that you have. This will help you learn and apply everything from the class more quickly and easily.


We offer the JB Media Institute in-person in Asheville, NC three times a year and also teach our Internet marketing classes online year-round. Contact us for a detailed course outline or to register.