We’re beyond thrilled to have four very talented interns join our team this summer, and we’ve got them doing so much more than fetching us coffee. (Although most of us here sure do like our coffee.)

Our interns are working hard on specific projects, from keyword research, designing graphics for social media, learning the PR ropes for an upcoming Kickstarter campaign, and so much more. They’re also enrolled in the JB Media Institute summer session, soaking up lots of knowledge from our panel of experts on how to create fully integrated Internet marketing campaigns.

We’re excited to see what our summer interns will do next! Without further ado, here they are.


Candida, CAYLA Intern

Candida Alas-Ortega is a 15 year old rising 10th grader at Asheville High School, and a participant in The City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA). Candida is from the Asheville-area and her parents are originally from El Salvador.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned so far?
That Facebook and Twitter aren’t only used for socializing with friends, but they’re great tools for businesses and promoting yourself, a product or company.

What strikes you the most about JB Media Group?
I love how it’s very laid back but also very professional. Everybody gets along very well. I didn’t imagine it to be this small, I thought it would be a much bigger office with more employees.

What is your dream job?
My dream job is to own an eye clinic.

Interesting. Why is that?
I’ve worn contacts and glasses since I was 8 it’s something that seems cool and interesting to me. It’s also a problem that a lot of people face and I like helping people find a solution to their problems. I want to work somewhere in the medical field and also open my own business at the same time.

Can you tell us something surprising about you?
One thing that most people would be surprised to know about me is that I love taking care of little kids, maybe one day I might even open my own daycare.

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Laura, Design Intern

Laura Melrose is a 19 year old Asheville native, and a student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

What’s your dream job?
My dream job would be to work in an atmosphere where there is a team of graphic designers that push each other to be more creative and unique in their creations. So that I never stop learning or growing in the world of art and design.

What’s next for you after JB Media Group?
After JB Media Group I will return to University and continue my education in graphic design. I plan to apply to the BFA program in the Fall of 2014 with a concentration in New Media and Design. After graduation, all bets are off, and any city is on the map! I really look forward to just exploring the world and the industry I have chosen.

What’s one thing that people would be surprised to know about you? 
I think it would surprise people to know that I learned how to quilt/sew in my senior year of high school. I found the history in quilting interesting and inspiring. I don’t quilt as much as I would like but I pull out the old sewing machine every now and then to whip up a new creation.

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Amber, PR Intern
Amber McGilvary, 31, is the JB Media Group PR Research intern. Amber was born in NJ, raised in Philly, and lived in Florida for 8 years before moving to Asheville. Amber is in a BA program at UNCA for Mass Communications, and has an A.S. degree in Digital Media Arts from St Petersburg College.

What do you think about the JB Media team culture?
The JB Media team is nothing like I ever imagined any company would be like. In a good way. I’ve never worked in a place where everyone genuinely likes everyone else and people get so much done while having so much fun. Everyone works really hard, and really well together, and yet there are still random moments of someone putting on Michael Jackson and everyone getting up to dance. The JB Media team culture is encouraging, cooperative, helpful, friendly and fun all in one.

If you could work anywhere, where would it be?
Is it predictable to say JB Media? I still have one year of college left. I’ll graduate in May and will have to see where things go.

Can you share something surprising about yourself? 
When I was 25 I packed up kind of on a whim and moved to England where I had only visited one time before. I stayed with friends and lived and worked there for about a year.

Anyone you’d like to thank for this intern opportunity?
I’d say Leah for sure. She was my initial contact through the career fair at UNCA and I learned later that she put notes on my resume and to keep an interest there. I’m very grateful for that. Also Kimberly, who’s been amazing in teaching me and helping me learn in the first few weeks here and who I’m sure I will learn very much from. Outside JB, my husband. For supporting my way through college at this point in life so I could have opportunities like this.

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Michael, Data Analysis Intern
Michael Lovett is a 23 year old Florida transplant who has lived full time in Sylva, NC, for the last 10 years. He is a senior in the Communications program at Western Carolina University, with a concentration in PR and a minor in Marketing.

What do you miss about Florida?
I miss the fishing in the Gulf, but I really enjoy living in Western NC, and doing outdoorsy stuff in the mountains.

What gems have you learned at JB Media Group and in the JB Media Institute so far?
I’ve learned a ton of interesting things about digital marketing. Something that stands out, though, is the importance of tracking the progress of a campaign. The tools and data are out there; you just need to know how to utilize them.

What do you think about the work dynamic at JB Media Group?
I love the relationship between the team at JB. There are literally and figuratively no walls between departments, everyone is very willing to help each other, and work together to deliver results. In my mind, traditional advertising/marketing/pr agencies focus a lot of their resources on “fluff” and keeping up appearances. That isn’t the case at JB Media. They really are focused on the quality and longevity of work.

What’s your ideal job?
I don’t have a dream job! I know, that sounds terrible. My interests have shifted so much since I began school that I’m just going with the flow, and being happy with where I’m at in my career.

What are your passions?
I’m really into music. My first job was at a local music store and lasted 5years. I play a lot of guitar, keyboard, and ukulele, and originally wanted to go to school for commercial electronic music.

Care to give any shout outs?
I am really appreciative to everyone at JB Media for being so friendly, helpful, and for providing me with such a valuable learning experience. It has truly been fantastic. Also, I’d like to give a shout out to Dr. Scott Rader for being a great professor, and sparking my interest in content marketing.