Summer might be winding down, but our summer interns are hard at work helping us with a range of projects, from blog evaluations, documenting press mentions, video work, and generally lending a helping hand across departments.
Nadia comes to us as a Sophomore from the School of Inquiry and Life Sciences and is an Asheville native, and Max is a Senior New Media Major from UNC-Asheville hailing all the way from Scotland.
We think these two have big things in store for them and look forward to seeing what they do next!
Introducing Nadia May
Nadia, 15, was born and raised in Asheville, NC, and attends the School Of Inquiry And Life Sciences, an Asheville City School ranked 13th within North Carolina.
Hey, Nadia. What are your focus areas at the School of Inquiry and Life Sciences?
I have worked my schedule to make sure that I mostly have Business classes.
What are you doing for your internship at JB Media Group?
So far, I’m helping out anyone who really needs my help. I went from helping Leah in the SEO department with 80 different blog evaluations for a client, to helping Adrianne, the Director of Operations, with reworking the storage room.
Oh! So we have you to thank for getting us organized.
Ha. Well, one of the most interesting things I have learned has to be how much I actually love to do the little tasks I am asked to do here.
What do you think about JB Media Group so far?
This is the most fun-spirited and hard working company I have ever heard or seen. JB Media has the best balance of calm-and-soothing vibes and the get-down-to-business vibes. Before JB Media Group, I had an idea of the rest of my life, but now I have the bigger picture of what I want out of my life and this field.
Nice! So what’s your dream job?
My dream job is to be the Business Manager and/or Marketing Manager over a company that I have been with since the very beginning. After JB Media I will definitely look more into the business field, more now than ever. I will try my hardest to get into the most business and math classes I can get into.
What’s one thing you can share about yourself that other people might find surprising?
I guess if there is one thing that not a lot of people know about me, is that I love wrestling. I could watch wrestling all day and not get bored. In my free time I play my wrestling video games, I have a subscription with the WWE Network, and watch pay-per-views all the time.
Yeah, I never would have pinned you for a wrestling fan. (Sorry, bad pun!) Who is your favorite wrestler and why?
My favorite current would be Randy Orton and my favorite Hall of Famers would have to be Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Ultimate Warrior. Randy Orton because, despite his life problems, he has still been able to entertain the millions of people around the world without a second thought about it. Stone Cold and the Ultimate Warrior because they were the most developed and entertaining personalities ever to touch the WWE.
Thanks for the chat. Anything else you want to mention or people to thank?
I want to thank my mother, Christen May, because she is my mother, and because she never, ever, gave me a break. She is the reason I am so hard-working, competitive, and the reason I am always striving for success.
Meet Max Joss
Max Joss comes from a wee town called Linlithgow, just outside Edinburgh, Scotland, and is in his Senior year at UNC-Asheville, studying New Media with a specialization in 3D & Animation.
Hey, Max. Your first name is Magnus, but you go by Max. How did that come about?
My birth name is Magnus, but my parents always called me Max from the get-go since it was easier, I guess! I just kept using Max, unless someone asked, or I have to fill out forms or taxes etc.
What is your home university and area of study?
I’m attending Edinburgh Napier University back in Scotland, but for the past year I’ve been on study abroad at UNC-Asheville here in North Carolina. I’m a New Media major, specialising in 3D & Animation, but I do a lot of video production too.
What are you doing at JB Media Group?
I’m working at JB Media Group over the summer as the Video Production Intern. I’m producing a variety of videos, from Q&As with staff here at the company to testimonial videos from businesses that JB Media Group has worked with in the past.
What, in your opinion, has been the most interesting thing you’ve learned so far in your internship?
As a video production guy, I’m obviously not well-versed in Internet marketing. So, being surrounded by these gurus and experts all day long means I pick up some interesting tips that I hadn’t ever thought about before. Probably the most interesting thing is that if you attach a picture with a status update on social media, a lot more people are going to stop and actually read it. Time to start getting those Re-tweets into double-digits…
What do you think about the JB Media team culture? Is it what you’d imagined an Internet Marketing company to be like?
Well, for the past few years, my brain used to hear “Marketing” and kind of try to turn off, or picture a bunch of old executives in suits arranged around a table, discussing “How can we trick these suckers out of their money?,” accompanied with ominous laughing and lightning. Now, after actually working with the JB Media team its done a complete 180. The people here are some of the most intelligent, funniest and laid-back that I’ve ever met, who approach their jobs with enthusiasm and calm, despite having to deal with “The Internet” all day!
What is your dream job?
I’d really love to work in film one day, either as a CG artist or somewhere in the editing room. Getting to create things is what I really love to do, and an environment where I’m getting paid to do that all day long would be about as good as it gets!
What’s next for you after JB Media Group?
Until the aforementioned dream job happens, I still have my Senior year of university to finish, which I’m doing back in Scotland until I graduate next summer. I’m very lucky in the way that I’m able to work either in the UK or here in the USA, so I might come back here, depending on whatever way the wind is blowing.
Cool. Do you have dual citizenship or something?
Yeah, its dual citizenship for the UK and the USA, since my mum is from Oklahoma and my dad from Scotland. It is pretty handy.
What’s one thing that people would be surprised to know about you? Well, I don’t sing in the shower, but I do chat to myself in different accents and impressions. I’m actually very good at doing voices now because of that.
Anything else you want to mention? I’d like to thank Justin and everyone else at JB Media Group for having me here over the summer and making my experience working here a lovely and a memorable one.
Interested in interning with us? Contact us for more information about how you can become part of the JB Media team!