Like celebrity perfume and clothing lines, the pet food industry is booming with creative up-and-coming companies and unique product lines– all claiming to be the greenest, hippest, most authentic bling on the woof meow scene. From Rachel Ray dog-food to all-natural sugar coated doggie biscuits in the shape of cupcakes, you never know what is going to come out next and how the pet community will respond to it. One thing remains consistent across the pet industry these days however and that is creativity and authenticity in online marketing.
Like Me, Share Me, Tweet ME!
Every company is chomping at the bit to have the most re-tweets, shares, and pins these days. It seems simple enough. Post an announcement or a cute picture of my dog and the people will come. They will like it and share it and eventually I will have 5,000 Facebook fans and an engaging, online community invested in my products and my company as a whole. Well, it’s not quite that simple Fido however, it is possible.
Social Media Gives Your Brand Personality: There are thousands of companies vying for the top-ranking spots in these pet product categories which is why the use of unique online marketing campaigns is increasingly important. With world-wide reach, defining your company via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. is necessary in opening your company up as an interactive public forum, one that is invested in the pet industry. By creating and sharing useful information within your distinct industry, defining yourself as a fun company who is engaged with their fans, running campaigns that touch on your fans personal interests and activities with their pet, and therefore gleaning useful information for your product line and what’s on the hearts and minds of consumers in the pet industry.
Make your fans laugh and they’re a forever fan: Social media allows you to connect with your target on a much more meaningful level than traditional advertising can provide, asking for feedback on your products and personal stories and photos from your fans about their experiences with their four-legged friend. Whether you’re interested in growing your online presence in the social media atmosphere, hoping to gain useful information to be used in product development, or increase your revenue (which is everyone’s ultimate bottom line) by pitching and selling your product, then social media is a necessary tool for you.
Why Pets Work for Social Media:
- People have a heart-felt connection to their pets. With over 78 million dog owners alone in the U.S. and more than 116 million Facebook users, the place to share those intimate connections and emotions with pets is on social media sites.
- Adorable animals were made to go viral. It’s true. Regardless of age, denomination, race or political stance, a cute puppy is universally adored and therefore universally shared!
- The pet world is such an encompassing community that there is a broad wealth of information to take part in, allowing you to network amongst a community of allies and create your own niche market with the support of fellow pet advocates.
Cute Kittens & Consistent Feedback (that’s our motto): In a recent campaign with a national pet brand, we were able to transform their social media fan-base from non-existent to an overflowing virtual dog park in just a few short months. With consistent, on-brand strategy, entertaining contests, product giveaways and promotions, unique Facebook adverting campaigns and constant feedback and engagement with both old and new fans, we tripled their fan-base in only two short months! Let us do the same for you. Give us a call or shoot us an e-mail to set up a consultation today!