JB Media Institute in the House at the WWBC Annual Conference
Today I had the pleasure of presenting a breakout session titled “How to make the most out of your online presence this year”. I am very excited to share some of the Internet marketing and communications trends that have developed throughout 2015 and to get to know some amazing local professionals, business owners, and creatives attending the event. I have shared the presentation above so students and attendees can review and utilize the resources I provide in the future.
The presentation can also be downloaded here.
Learn more about the Western Women’s Business Center
The mission of the Western Women’s Business Center at The Support Center (WWBC) is to provide high quality technical assistance and programs that reduce barriers and serve as a catalyst to the success of entrepreneurs, particularly women who are socially and economically disadvantaged, in the western region of North Carolina.
Women entrepreneurs face unique challenges in accessing capital and other resources that they need to establish successful businesses. Yet, the number of women-owned businesses continues to climb in North Carolina, making it the third-ranked state for the growth in women-owned businesses over the past two decades. In western North Carolina, a hub of entrepreneurial spirit and activity, women-owned businesses are important economic and community drivers.
The WWBC meets the needs of women entrepreneurs through one-on-one counseling, workshops and training classes, networking, mentoring, and stop-in technical assistance. Business owners are offered training on a range of topics including marketing, financial management, business planning, industry-specific topics, and more.
We Support Women in Business, Women Entrepreneurs, and Women Changing the World!
At JB Media Institute we firmly believe in supporting professional women in all types of professions, businesses, positions, and industries. We work with all of our students to help them:
- find their unique voice
- clearly define and explain their brand
- get comfortable with and become experts in Internet communications and technology
- share their ideas, products, services, gifts, and strengths
- transform “marketing” into powerful, compelling storytelling that attracts qualified clients, customers, and employers
Women play an important role in any company or workplace and many women have moved into more technical positions. Our goal is help our online and in person student body gain confidence, learn to execute clear strategies, and to become leaders in Internet marketing.
Learn more about the JB Media Institute online subscriptions and local programs held in Asheville, North Carolina.